07 April 2010


saya sudah sebulan bercuti dengan rasminya.bulan MARCH rase macam sangat penat.macam2 keje buat.tapi kat rumah sajelah hehe..yelah.jaga my adek yang baru berumur 11 tahun tuh.even dah besar pon maseh nak mengada-ngada lagi dengan kakak dia. balik-balik sekolah jek, akak. tolong amekkan air,cawan sekali.okay fine,pegilah amek sian die penat jalan kaki kan.malam-malam nak dinner akak tolong amekkan air,cawan sekali.ameklah sendiri,kat dapor je pon.ala..ayah xbagi masok dapor.nape plak?xtau tersengih-sengih.ceh.mengada lah.last2 pegilah amek jugak.saya ni dah macamm orang gaji plak.amboi.akak kan orang gaji.mak yang kate.ambooooooooiiiiii......ni lagi best.

xpelah..forget about that small things.papepon i do love him so much :) okay.for now,dah bulan APRIL.saya tak sambut april fool okay huhu..bulan ni dah pegi 2 hari class memandu.for 1st day sangat bagus.xrase kekok sangat.just blaja stereng and gear.drive cam bese2 jek.for 2nd class,worse.at the begin,it was good but after that,enjin asek mati.clutch terlepas kuat but i dunno why maybe wrong shoes that i wore on that day.kena marah sikit dengan my cekgu.tapi tak takot sangat haha..abeslah kalo dia tahu ni.its okay.anis..u can do it.kalo orang laen boleh,why not you right?isnt it?

and saya ada apply keje jugak.1st at popular bookstore.i ask one of workers there to meet a manager but she said he is off on that day.tapi dia ade bagi saya isi borang kerja and saya pon isilah.tunggu punye tunggu tak call pon balek for inteview.sangat frust.but its okay.saya pegi summit balek.and i saw mcdonalds and ask if has vacancy there.luckly,i meet the manager and he asked me to fulfill the application.and he said he will call me.and lastly he called me and asked to come for inteview today.yeah..today! but the interview was very complicated.like to work as an executive u know haha..1st session i need on like quizzes. have 10 questions. but just simple question it has been given in situation just like story. so they just wanna see either we know how to work there how to manage customers. keje mcdonald tu pon dah camtu kan. tak tahu la keje laen2 nanti camne. and alhamdulillah i got this job. sebab soklan die senang jek. even gaji tak banyak mane pon never mind. yang penting experience kan.

talk later yeah. need to go. sorry ;)